The Benefits of Outsourcing Order Fulfillment

Order fulfillment is the driving force behind customer satisfaction. It determines how and when people receive their products. Traditionally, order fulfillment has been left up to the company sending out the products, whether it’s business-to-business or merchant-to-consumer. Recently though, many companies have begun outsourcing their fulfillment services to the warehouses storing their products, thereby streamlining the flow from warehouse to recipient.

Warehouse Spring Cleaning Tips

It’s spring cleaning time, which means it’s out with the old and in with the new for your warehouse. Spring cleaning doesn’t just apply to actual “cleaning” processes though. It involves decluttering, reorganizing, and reassessing the way your warehouse rungs as a whole. Check out these warehouse spring cleaning tips to make the most of this time of year.

Could Uber Work for the Freight Industry?

Uber has revolutionized the way people “hail a taxi” in today’s society, giving everyday drivers a chance to earn money by picking people up and taking them to their desired destinations. Riders no longer have to wait for a cab company to get where they need to go. They can simply summon the closest Uber driver, and away they go!

How Freight Consolidation Works

Freight consolidation has become a “norm” in today’s warehouses and distribution centers because of the increased demand for consumer-level products. Major retailers throughout the country are putting pressure warehouses to provide storage and shipping solutions at the fastest times and the lowest costs, forcing logistics experts to find creative ways to meet their demands.

Creating Supply Chain Visibility

The concept of “supply chain visibility” has become increasingly important in warehouses and distribution centers in America. This term refers to the ability for different sectors of a supply chain to keep track of one another’s progress in real-time. Doing this not only increases the efficiency of the production line, but it also decreases the chances of errors resulting from miscommunication.

Getting the Most out of Your Small Warehouse Space

If you only have a small warehouse space to work with, you may feel limited in your storage and money-making capabilities. The key here is to make the most of the space you have so you can turn your small warehouse seems much larger than it actually is. In the guide below, we will explain how to get the most out of your small warehouse space so you can take advantage of the opportunities available to you.

Clear out Old Inventory with These Marketing Tricks

Do you have old inventory in your warehouse that you don’t know what to do with? This is a common problem, especially for warehouses storing seasonal or trendy items. Given that this is the time of year to complete spring cleaning, it may be a good idea to try some new marketing tactics to get rid of those products collecting dust.

The Importance of Hiring a Good Warehouse Manager

A warehouse should run like a well-oiled machine, with every part in perfect working order. One of those “parts” involves the work of a warehouse manager – the person in charge of assigning tasks, delegating responsibilities, monitoring productivity levels, and making sure all operations are running smoothly. The warehouse manager is a huge influence the overall efficiency and productivity of a distribution center.

The Role of Wireless Technology in Warehousing

Wireless technology has transformed the way the world works. Land lines have been replaced with cell phones. Ethernet cords have been replaced with Wi-Fi boxes. There are endless possibilities to come from wireless features, and many of those are evident in the logistics industry. In the discussion below, we will explore the role of wireless technology in warehousing so you can see just how much of an impact this revolution has had distribution centers.

How Advanced Shipping Notices Work

An Advanced Shipping Notice (ASN) is a popular form of communication in the warehousing industry. It is used to let customers know about an arriving shipment before it is completely delivered. A shipper will send out an ASN to a customer to alert them that a shipment is its way. Then the recipient can prepare in advance for the order that is about to arrive.

4 Ways to Improve Warehouse Operating Efficiency

Want your warehouse to run more efficiently? That’s one of the most common goals any business owner can have – to do more by using less. By delving into your operations and analyzing your distribution center as a whole, you can explore flaws that may be preventing you from reaching your full potential.

Eco-Friendly Solutions for Warehouses

The “go green” initiative has been around since 2002, pushing individuals and corporations alike to reduce their carbon footprints and make their operations more eco-friendly. With millions of people working in the warehousing and storage sector of the American economy, even small changes in warehousing practices can make a big difference for the environment as a whole.

The 5 Most Popular Warehousing Jobs in America

If someone says “I work in a warehouse,” he or she could be referring to a wide range of jobs. From the office staff to the forklift operators, it takes a whole team to keep a warehouse running efficiently and effectively. Whether you want to work in a distribution center or you just want to understand a little more about the work involved, the list below will show you some of the most popular warehousing jobs in America, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Communication Strategies for Efficient Order Fulfillment

Communication is a critical component of any business management strategy, but it is particularly important in the world of order fulfillment. Companies need to make sure their orders are getting fulfilled properly, and customers need to be able to reach the fulfillment providers if any issues arise. With a proper flow of communication from start to finish, everyone involved with the order fulfillment process can be much happier with the results.

Forklift Safety Tips for Drivers and Pedestrians

Forklifts are some of the most common pieces of equipment in a warehouse, capable of moving large, heavy pallets of products across the workspace in a short amount of time. Despite their convenience and efficiency though, these machines can prove to be dangerous without the right safety protocol in place. In the tips below, we will go over some forklift safety tips for drivers and pedestrians so you can keep every person in your warehouse as safe as possible.

How to Handle Backorders with Minimal Complications

Any business that sells products to customers has the option of offering a backordering process. In this case, a customer can order a product that is not currently in stock and receive the item once it comes in. Backorders can be tricky because they rely future events that may not always work out.

Top 5 Warehouse Safety Tips

Having an efficient warehouse means nothing if there is no safety protocol to go along with it. These measures are designed to protect both the employees working in the distribution center and the products stored within it. No matter how large or small your warehouse may be, you need to make sure that you have practices in place to keep everyone involved as safe as possible.

What You Can Learn from Black Friday 2015

Black Friday 2015 was unlike any other. There was a major shift in the way consumers purchased products during the biggest sales season of the year, and this shift could transform shipping and order management for years to come. What does this mean for retailers, shipping companies, and distribution centers? What will you need to do to adjust your operation strategies next year?

Top 10 Warehousing New Year’s Resolutions: Part 2

Rearrange the Warehouse (If Necessary) From a logical standpoint, it makes sense to organize a warehouse based product type. Workers can easily locate products based the category they fall in, which improves efficiency levels across the board. Nevertheless, there are probably some products in the warehouse that get moved more often than others because they sell well or their demand is steady.

Top 10 Warehousing New Year’s Resolutions: Part 1

By now, you’ve probably set (and broken) numerous personal New Year’s resolutions. That doesn’t mean you should neglect the needs of your warehouse. There are plenty of steps you can take to improve your distribution center and your operations as a whole for the coming year. Check out these warehousing New Year’s resolutions to keep your business running as efficiently as possible.

Transformed Order Fulfillment at the Store Level

Transformed Order Fulfillment at the Store Level At the store level of supply chain management, workers are now required to handle new tasks because of the way customers place orders and process returns. For instance, a consumer who orders a product online is more likely to return it at a local store than ship it back to the company.

5 Common Order Fulfillment Services

Outsourcing your order fulfillment services can save you time, money, and stress when it comes to packing and processing orders for your business. The term “order fulfillment” covers a wide range of processes and procedures, depending what the needs are for your business. In the guide below, we will go over five of the most common order fulfillment services for you to explore so you can get a better idea of the opportunities available for you.

Order Fulfillment FAQs

If you have never explored the idea of outsourcing your order fulfillment services, you may have a lot of questions about how the process works and how you can benefit from it. There are a lot of benefits to come from order fulfillment, depending what your needs are as a whole.

Understanding RFID Warehousing Systems

Technology is changing the way warehouses operate in the modern world. There are a number of inventory management systems the market nowadays, and many of them use RFID technology to operate. What are RFID warehouse systems and why are they so desirable? Those are the questions we’re here to answer. Check out the guide below to learn more about this innovative approach to inventory management.

9 Ways to Improve Your Warehousing Productivity: Part 2

Train Your Employees Well Your warehouse employees should go through regular training to ensure they understand how to use the tools and equipment you use in your facility. If you are testing out a new inventory management system or even a new piece of equipment, train your managers how to use it first and then have them train your employees.

Should I Outsource My Logistics Operations?

If you need warehousing and logistics to run your business, you have the option of taking over these tasks your own or outsourcing it to a company like Overflo. There are pros and cons to both setups, but in most cases, the pros of outsourcing outweigh the cons. In order to demonstrate this, let’s look at some of the primary reasons why companies outsource their logistics operations so you can determine if this is the right move for your business.

How to Stay ahead of Holiday Shopping Demands

Whether you’re an online retailer or a local store with an overflow of inventory, chances are you’ve already invested in warehousing to cover holiday shopping demands. This is the biggest buying season of the year, and you need to be ready for whatever may come your way. The tips below will ensure that you stay ahead of holiday shopping demands so you can maximize your profits this time of year.

How to Get the Most from Third Party Logistics

If you choose to use third party logistics for your business, there are some steps you can take to maximize the benefits you get from this relationship. 3PL is an amazing opportunity that comes with countless rewards, but it does take some getting used to. Here are some tips to help you get the most from third party logistics so you can make this a great experience from the start.

Warehousing for Small Businesses: Part 2

Continued from Part 1 Give Yourself Room to Grow You may not have a need for a lot of warehousing space at the moment, but that could change in the next few years. Don’t pay for space you don’t need at this time, but don’t limit yourself to a small warehouse that will not be able to support your growing business.

Warehousing for Small Businesses: Part 1

Small business owners must handle a difficult balance of cost versus need when managing their inventory levels. More storage means more room for growth, but it also means more money out of the business’s limited income. If you are considering warehousing for your small business, you need to understand how this process works and what you can do to minimize your overhead.

What Are Drayage Services?

In the distribution industry, drayage services are used to transport goods over a short distance, usually in a single work shift. There are a variety of situations that may call for drayage services instead of long-distance freight and shipping. At OverFlo, we offer drayage services as part of our commitment to quality logistics and distribution solutions.

Ensuring Your Deliveries Are Schedule

Your customer satisfaction is defined by your deliveries. Buyers do not care what obstacles you may encounter along the way. All they want is the product they ordered at the time it is supposed to get to them. If you have struggled with late deliveries in the past, you know how much that can hurt your reputation.

Pros and Cons of Third Party Logistics

Third Party Logistics, also known as TPL or 3PL, is a process that involves outsourcing your storage and distribution services to another company.  You rent out a portion of a warehouse that matches your personal needs, and the 3PL provider takes care of inventory management, product organization, outgoing deliveries, and more.

The Right Warehouse Can Improve Your Customer Satisfaction

The warehouse you choose to work with will have a major impact your customer satisfaction levels, more so than you may realize. Your business can either thrive or fall, depending the efficiency, experience, and care your distribution center provides for you. Before you settle for the first warehouse you come across, you may want to learn about the various ways this company will impact your customer satisfaction.

How can Fulfillment Services benefit my business?

Fulfillment services are common in the world of warehousing, even though they different greatly from warehouse to warehouse. If you need of someone to handle your logistics and product distribution, you should explore the different fulfillment services they have to offer. They may end up transforming your inventory management for the better.

5 Ways to Improve Inventory Management

Inventory management is an important aspect of running any product-based business. From picking up the products to storing and distribution, your inventory management should be as flawless as your business itself. Making sure that you have the right amount of products hand at all times will help you reduce your overhead and improve your efficiency at the same time.

Does Your Business Need to Look into Warehousing?

If you’re a business owner, everything you do every day is directed toward one goal…growth!  But with growth in sales comes growth in inventory management.  Maybe you’ve been keeping your product in your garage, your spare bedroom, or your basement.  If you’ve been using any of these spaces, and are discovering that your spouse, or your children, are finding more and more excuses to avoid spending time at home, there’s a good chance that your inventory has over-stayed its welcome in your family’s space!

Our Small Business is Ready for Warehousing, but what about Trucking and Distribution?

If you have a Baltimore area small business, you might be considering warehousing. If you are, you likely have questions about trucking and distribution in Baltimore. Here are some of the most common questions and answers about trucking and distribution for small business: Q. We’ve decided to go with a warehousing management system, do they provide trucking and distribution services too?

Boxes Stacked Six High in Your Basement? Time for a Public Warehouse!

What is a Public Warehouse? A public warehouse is a facility that stores inventory for many different businesses as opposed to a “private warehouse,” which is owned and operated by the company whose inventory is stored there.  Most small businesses cannot afford to own, lease, or staff, their own warehouse.  If you own a small business that holds product inventory, read on.