The loading dock is where it all begins. This is the hub of the distribution center, and it sets the pace for the rest of the warehouse. If your loading dock isn’t running efficiently, nothing else will. Thankfully, there are some simple steps you can take to enhance warehouse loading dock efficiency and keep your operations running smooth.
Consistent Load Sequencing
Load sequencing dictates how trucks are scheduled to come onto the loading dock. If the schedule is not done correctly, you may have an empty dock for a long stretch of time. This is often followed by an overflow of trucks that have to wait around for the dock to be cleared. Not only are you wasting your workers’ time, but you are also wasting the truck drivers’ time along the way.
With proper load sequencing, the trucks will come in at a steady, consistent pace. There will still be times when driver delays throw off the schedule a bit, but you won’t run into that problem every single day. This is the best way to keep the warehouse track.
Unload, Then Sort
Some warehouses try to handle unloading and sorting a shipment all at once. This delays efforts at the loading dock and prevents new shipments from coming in. the initial focus should be getting items off the truck and setting them out of the way. Then a separate team of people can sort them and put them in their designated areas. Reduce the amount of work that you try to do at the loading dock, and the distribution center will run much more efficiently.
Focus Worker Safety
Loading docks are some of the most dangerous parts of a warehouse because they are so fast paced. Efficiency is important, but it should not come at the sacrifice of safety. Make sure your workers are well trained to handle the equipment and speed required at the loading dock, and address safety concerns immediately when they arise. Pay close attention to dock edge falls, as those are among the most common injuries in warehousing.
Improve Workstation Ergonomics
Every area of the loading dock should be ergonomic (designed for comfort and efficiency). Conveyors, packing benches, and the docks themselves should be set up with efficiency in mind. If you have an older warehouse that has not been updated in a while, it may not live up to current efficiency standards. Look for innovative ways to improve this and you will see a vast improvement in loading dock productivity.
Keep the Area Well Ventilated
Ventilation is a particularly big concern in loading docks. There are a number of machines and vehicles in the area that produce fumes, and these fumes can be hazardous to your workers. If the workers are not feeling well because of the chemicals they’re inhaling, they won’t be able to work as hard. You will also run into health risks that could cost a lot of time and money in the long run. Keep the air flow at a max and the workers will be able to do their jobs better.
For more information about warehousing, Contact Overflo at 1-800-626-0616