Spring is finally here, and you know what that means. It’s time for some spring cleaning. This is a dreaded process, but it is the perfect way to refresh a home or business. Get rid of what’s not working and implement new strategies to keep the space clean in the future. Here are seven warehouse spring cleaning tips you can benefit from.
Clean the Warehouse in Zones
Warehouse spring cleaning will inevitably create a delay in the warehouse. You must take time to do the cleaning, and that time will have to come from somewhere. Thus you may not want to clean the entire warehouse at once. That would stop production completely, which isn’t ideal for anyone. Instead, create zones to perform the cleaning over time. Talk to the department managers about when the best time will be to clean each of their areas. Then plan from there.
Conduct Your Warehouse Spring Cleaning at the Least Hectic Time
As we mentioned above, warehouse cleaning will impact your operations. Be thoughtful in your planning and timing. If you are in the middle of a high-demand season, wait for the demand to simmer. That way, you don’t have to sacrifice much of your productivity.
Create a Cleaning Schedule with Deadlines
In a home, spring cleaning is usually done over a weekend or perhaps a full week. In a warehouse, it may need to be stretched over several weeks. This creates the mentality of “we’ll get to it later.” The more you say that, the less likely it is to actually happen. Create a defined cleaning schedule with deadlines to keep your warehouse spring cleaning track.
Repair or Replace Outdated/Damaged Equipment
Damaged equipment takes up valuable space in the warehouse. If it simply needs to be repaired, make the repairs. If you need to buy new equipment, dispose of the old equipment and get something new. Not only will this make the warehouse feel fresher, but it will also improve safety for anyone working around the equipment.
Reorganize Areas Where Production Is Lacking
If there is an area of the warehouse that has notably low production levels, turn your focus to that area. Do the products need to be organized better? Do employees need different techniques or tools to do their jobs more efficiently? Are there products blocking the paths that create a bottle neck effect? Address these issues to improve productivity throughout the year.
Encourage Warehouse Clients to Purge Old Inventory
Warehouses don’t always have control of the products they store. However, they can recommend inventory adjustments to their clients. Analyze the sales data and encourage clients to purge old or low-selling inventory. That space could be better used for other products, which will ultimately make them more money. Even if only a handful of clients do a purge like this, it will make a big difference in the warehouse.
Remind Workers of Warehouse Safety Protocols
Warehouse spring cleaning isn’t just for the building at the items in it. The people working in the warehouse may also need a ‘cleaning’ of their own. Take some time to remind workers about important safety practices. If you purchased any new equipment for the warehouse, make sure the staff is trained how to use it. Set yourself up for success well before the peak season hits, and you’ll be in good shape.
Give Overflo a call at 1-800-626-0616 to learn more about our warehouse, distribution center and order fulfillment services in Maryland.